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Leveraging today’s digital environment for a seamless work experience

Today’s digital workplace bears increasingly less resemblance to the traditional physical office where workers congregate between the hours of 9 to 5 on a weekday.

Much of this is due to the accelerated shift towards remote work brought on by the Covid pandemic, and this is only going to become more pronounced as workers increasingly demand more time away from the office, so it’s more vital than ever that your digital workplace is set up as effectively as possible for maximum productivity.


Welcome to the digital workplace of 2023

The advent of cloud technology in conjunction with Big Data, analytics, and the Internet of Things means workers have an unprecedented array of digital tools at their fingertips to perform their tasks across a range of devices in disparate locations and time zones if required.

First and foremost, an effective digital office should provide a seamless, secure network connection such as a virtual private network (VPN) that can deliver large amounts of data quickly and incorporates tools such as e-mail and instant messaging (or some other form of texting) that your employees rely on in a physical office environment.

Having an effective digital workspace also means providing workers with the right physical tools to perform their tasks. This means unifying offline and online communications so employees remain connected through their desktop, laptop and mobile devices to the corporate information they require, often across a range of applications and platforms. In a modern workplace, it's crucial to have access to the necessary tools for effective communication outside of the office, including videoconferencing. Moreover, employees should have seamless access to the applications and information they need to complete their tasks, regardless of their location or the time of day.

Most of the large IT vendors have at least attempted to cash in on the relentless move to remote work with their own versions of the digital workplace such as Microsoft’s Modern Work and VMware’s Anywhere Workspace, but anywhere that has a reliable and secure internet connection where you can log your work device into could be considered a digital workspace, even if it’s a park or a café.


Driving productivity

An effective digital workspace can drive productivity with seamless, real-time collaboration. In some cases, this may require using the best possible interfaces so employees can interact with each other and customers just as effectively as if they were in a physical office environment.

Providing the right tools for an effective digital workspace is becoming increasingly crucial for staff retention in the post-Covid era, where workers are less and less inclined to come into the office, so having the best online meeting and collaboration tools is increasingly becoming the catalyst for high-performance and innovation across organisations.

With access to the right apps, platforms, devices, all of which are constantly evolving to cope with this paradigm shift in the way that work is performed, your workers should be every bit as effective as they ever were in an office environment.


 To explore more information about a seamless work experience, contact your local FinXL office today.