
Client Challenge

An Information Services Division (“ISD”) in a large Victorian State Government Agency was facing an Information Management challenge which meant it was not able to either effectively manage or optimise its performance. It faced an environment with over 500 information sources, out dated processes, out dated technology and duplicated systems. As a result the ISD sought to transform its business.

FinXL Solution

FinXL successfully delivered Phase 1.0 of the project which delivered “as is” and “to be” processes together with a blueprint in the form of an Information Management Roadmap for the transformation of the ISD into the future state organisation. This was achieved through an effective information management strategy aligned to process improvements, data quality and reporting improvements and systems consolidation.

Client Benefit

The Business Transformation, driven by the Information Management Roadmap, was designed to positively impact all aspects of the ISD including 5 key areas of business improvement including:

  • Business information: Improvements to data quality, reporting and integration of information sources as well as replacement of ageing systems

  • Process and Compliance: Identifying and improving business processes aligned to services

  • People and Culture: Managing sustainable change for all divisional staff and a comprehensive skills uplift programme to support the process and systems changes

  • Governance and Control: A work stream to establish both work programme controls and the governance controls for the ISD lifecycle

  • Procurement and Supplier Management: A workstream to manage the realisation of business benefits from the application of improved business information to the contracts and procurement function of ISD

The ISD is now undergoing a significant business transformation as a result of this program of work, and the ISD is already benefiting from: a clear Roadmap to the desired future state; re-engineered processes; consolidated systems; and reduced and improved information sources (from 500 to a manageable number).