
Australia's leading banking and financial institution

FinXL is a key partner of one of Australia's leading Banking and Financial Services organisations supporting all areas of talent acquisition for more than a decade. During this time, FinXL have applied an agile methodology to provide talent at scale, as well as provide blended teams delivering outcomes faster and at a lower cost compared to the industry standard. A case study is detailed below outlining how FinXL delivered a unique outcome for the Customer.

The Challenge

The Customer brief outlined the need to acquire resources quickly, address gender diversity, and create a pipeline of talent for the future without increasing the overall cost base.

The Solution

Utilising FinXL’s TAM Framework (Talent Acquisition Methodology) an internal Scrum was established to workshop the brief, the options available, and timeline. Key considerations included:

•Using an established methodology to address the brief quickly and efficiently

•An engaged Customer that was part of the process, not a person that received CV’s

•Understanding of the cultural needs of the Customer

•A clearly defined process for all involved

•Experienced team to deliver results quickly

•Timely communication

The Action Taken

The Program Team was mobilised to the specific Customer brief within two weeks of the initial request. A team of 30 people were mobilised to support a global program. A team of diverse resource were onboarded, bringing energy, and a new pool of talent to reduce the burden on senior staff, re-energising a multi-year program of work. The Associates supported the delivery of a major strategic initiative, gaining knowledge for the future without adding a burden to the cost profile of the Program.

The Result

FinXL delivered the brief, meeting all of the Program's requirements, supporting the business which led to Global recognition, winning the Best IT/Telecommunications Project at this year's 2022 IPMA Global Project Excellence Awards. The Associates were an integral part of the team's delivery success. The project team installed and configured 5,000 devices in nine months, delivering 10x the existing bandwidth at 50% of the cost, completing three months ahead of schedule, and under budget.

Client Feedback

"The team saw a huge benefit of bringing on Associates, giving them a chance to support the Associates as compared to bringing in more experienced, more expensive resources. I often hear 'Could an Associate do this?'."

"The mobilisation of resources has matured as a result of the FinXL Methodology, to a level where the interviewing process is streamlined, communication is clear with a well-defined brief.

"Our strong relationship within FinXL means they send a calibre of interviewees that makes it easy for us to make a decision."

"The best thing about the Associates is their energy, enthusiasm, and thirst for knowledge/experience."

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